Cookie use

Our site, like most sites, uses cookies to help improve your browsing experience on our site. Cookies are small text files which are downloaded onto your computer or telephone when you browse the internet.

Browser cookies

We place cookies which are “strictly necessary” to the use of our site and our user functions onto your computer.

Advertising cookies

We use cookies which allow us to show you averts which are targeted to you and adapted to your interests outside of our website.

Service cookies

These cookies allow us to offer you additional support cookies (chat, product reviews, etc.).

Performance cookies

These cookies allow us to improve and personalise your browsing experience according to previous cookies, etc.

Managing your cookies

Deactivating cookiess

If you like, you can delete and/or block cookies from your computer.
While each browser is different, you can generally configure your cookie options from the “Preferences” or “Tools” menu on your browser, at the top of your screen.
For more information about how to configure your cookie options, you can use the “Help” menu on your browser.

Configuring your browser

By configuring your browser, you may modify the conditions required to access any of our services which require the use of cookies. If your browser is set to reject all cookies, you won’t for example be able to use the essential functions on our site.
Configuration will depend on the browser you use:
For Internet Explorer™:open the “Tools” menu, then select “Internet Options”; click on the “Confidentiality” tab and then the “Advanced” tab to choose the desired level. You can find more information here:
ForFirefox™: open the “Tools” menu then select “Options”; click on the “Privacy” tab and then choose your desired options. You can also click on this link:
For Chrome™: open the configuration menu (spanner icon), then select “Options”; click on “Advanced Options” and then the “Confidentiality” section, click on “Content configuration” and choose the desired options, or find more explanations using this link:
For Safari™: choose “Safari > Preferences” then click on “Security”; in the “Accept cookies” section, choose the desired options or find more explanations by clicking this link:
For Opéra™: open the “Tools” or “Settings” menu, then select “Delete private data”; click on the “Detailed options” tab, then choose the desired options or click on this link for further explanations: